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The HUB on the South Shore

One of the things we dream about is a vibrant start-up community in the energy sector. A sort of Silicon Valley, but in the Bow Valley, or the Woodlands, or wherever. And focused on the hard, important problems in our field. More young people bringing their ideas, energy and talent — and more experienced people taking a chance, investing, and mentoring. Wresting more of the innovation opportunity back from big E&P and service companies, and freeing the professionals trapped in them.

We also want to see some of this in Nova Scotia. Indeed, the future of the Nova Scotian economy depends on it. So Agile has invested in a new community catalyst on the South Shore, the region where I live. Along with two others, I have renovated an old school room (left) and started The HUB South Shore — a place where freelancers, entrepreneurs, and professionals can come to work, network, not work, and learn. Affiliated with the HUB Halifax that Evan frequents, it's part of a global coworking movement, and a far-reaching network of HUBs.

Most importantly, it's a place to be around other highly productive, creative individuals — all of whom have made bold choices in their careers. Their proximity gives us all greater courage.  

There are similar spaces in Calgary, Houston, Aberdeen, and Perth. They completely transform the experience of working alone, or in small groups like Agile. Instead of isolation, you gain instant access to other self-starters, potential colleagues, and new friends. Many of these spaces are de facto incubators, with ready access to tools, people, and even financial backing. They are places where things happen — without IT, HR, or Legal. Imagine!

If you're thinking about starting out on your own, or with a friend or three, look around for a co-working space. It might make the transition from employee to freelancer (or even employer) a little less daunting. 

And if you find yourself on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, come to the HUB and say hello!