This page is a high-level overview of the material in our Introduction to Geocomputing class. It will give you a flavour of the sort of data we use and the exercises we set.

Our approach

We don't actually teach this module, but it drives everything we do.

  • Everything is implemented in code: figures, charts, examples, etc.

  • Everything is reproducible.

  • Everything is in version control.

  • Data must be digital and carry metadata.

  • Important workflows belong in code.


Manipulating and visualizing data

  • Follow-along exercise: Make a topography map in 5 lines of code (right).

  • Follow-along exercise: A lightweight 3D seismic visualization.

Variables and assignment

  • Introduction to Python command line.

  • Basic assignment syntax and dynamic typing.

  • Asking for help. Finding help online.

Native data types

  • int and float (and complex); why so many kinds of numbers?

  • str.

  • Type casting.

  • String methods, strings as collections. Indexing and slicing.

  • String formatting anf f-strings.

  • Exercise: text processing practice manipulating formation names.

Operators and expressions

  • Mathematical operations, comparison operators, booleans.

  • Augmented assignment, multiple assignment.

  • Copies and pointers.

  • Exercise: some gentle rock physics.

Data collections and data structures

  • list — indexing again, slicing again, striding, nested lists.

  • Exercise: Getting ages from the geologic timescale. Practice indexing.

  • tuple and set

  • dict — mappings of key:value pairs.

  • Exercise: Stratigraphic column: storing, retrieving and modifying entries in dicts.

  • Exercise: Introduction to visualizing well logs: line plots vs scatter plots.

Flow control

  • Iteration and iterables: for and while.

  • Exercise: compute impedance and reflectivity in a well.

  • List comprehensions.

  • Exercise: convert for loops into list comprehensions.

  • Making decisions: if-elif-else statements.

  • Exercise: create a pay flag on a gamma-ray log.

Getting data, part 1

  • Reading and writing text files.

  • Exercise: create a dictionary of well tops from a ‘broken’ input text file.

  • Functions

  • Built-in functions, and importing modules.

  • The anatomy of a function. Syntax, docstrings.

  • Exercise: write a function that computes an impedance log.

  • Exercise: write a function that computes reflection coefficients.

  • Exercise: write a function that computes formation thicknesses.

  • Sharing code via modules, importing and using modules.

  • Exercise: Getting data from a sidewall core analysis report (csv file).

  • Exercise: Get geological ages by processing pages.

  • The Python standard library.

  • External Python packages and PyPi.

