The last chat chart

The 1IWRP technical program was closed with a one-hour brainstorming session; an attempt to capture the main issues and ideas moving forward. This was great stuff, and I was invited to jot down the bombardment of shout-outs from the crowd.   

Admittedly, no list is fully comprehensive, and this flip chart is almost laughable in its ruggedness. However, I think it represents the diversity in this crowd and the relevant issues that people will be working on in the future. The main points were:

  • Creating a common model and data sharing
  • The future of digital rock physics
  • Dealing with upscaling and scale dependant measurements
  • The use of rock physics for improving sub-salt AVO analyses
  • Strengthening the connection between rock physics and geomechanical applications

I have scribed this into a more legible form, and put some expanded commentary on AgileWiki if you want to read more about these points. 

Do you disagree with anything on this list? Have we missed something?