Will a merger save SEG, AAPG and SPE?

Earlier this year AAPG and SPE announced that they are considering a merger.

There’s now a dedicated website to help members follow the developments, but it looks like no decisions will be made before next year, following a member vote on the issue.

In a LinkedIn post from SEG President Anna Shaughnessy earlier this week, I learned that SEG is joining the discussion. This move is part of a strategic review, led by President-Elect Ken Tubman. The new Strategic Options task force will have plenty to talk about.

It seems the pandemic, alongside the decline of petroleum, has been hard on the technical societies — just like it has on everyone. Annual meetings, which are usually huge sources of revenue, were cancelled, and I’m sure membership and sponsorship levels overall are down (actual data on this is hard to find). So will this merger help?

In contravention of Betteridge’s law of headlines, and more in line with classical geophysical thinking, I think the answer is, ‘It depends’.

The problem

As I’ve highlighted several times in the past, the societies — and I’m mostly talking about AAPG, SEG, SPE, and EAGE here — have been struggling with relevance for a while. I’m generalizing here, but in my view the societies have been systematically failing to meet the changing needs of their respective communities of practice for at least the last decade. They have not modernized, and in particular not understood that technology and the Internet have changed everything. Evidence: none of them have functioning online communities, none of them stream their conferences to make them more accessible, none of them understand the importance of open scientific publishing, they all have patchy equity & diversity records, and they all have rather equivocal stances on climate change. The main problem, to my mind, is that they tend to have a strongly inward-looking perspective, seeing everything in terms of revenue.

In summary, and to spin it more positively: there’s a massive opportunity here. But it’s not at all clear to me how merging two or more struggling societies creates one that’s ready for tomorrow.

The catch

The pattern is pretty familiar. Corporations in trouble often go for what they think are big, daring ideas (they aren’t big or daring, but let’s leave that for another time). Acquire! Merge! Fire the COO! Shuffle the VPs! What follows is months of uncertainty, HR meetings, legal nonsense, rumour-mongering, marketing focus groups, and a million-dollar rebranding. Oh, and “a stronger organization that can more effectively address the challenges our industry faces today and into the future”. (Right?? Surely we get that too?)

So there’s a pretty clear downside to survival-by-negotiation, and that’s the absolutely Titanic distraction from the real work — specifically from the actual needs and aspirations of your members, employees, partners, supporters, and the community at large.

There’s also the very real possibility that the organization emerging from the process is not actually fit for purpose. Reading the FAQ in the AAPG/SPE press release doesn’t fill me with hope:

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think most members are worrying about how AAPG can grow its customer base.

The alternative

Now, to be clear, I am not a growth-oriented business-person — and I’m not against big organizations per se. But during the pandemic, size did not seem to be an advantage for technical societies. The cancellation of All The Meetings last year just highlighted how fragile these giant meetings are. And how difficult the high stakes made everything — just look at how AAPG struggled to manage the cancellation process long after it was obvious that their annual convention would be impossible to host in person. Meanwhile, Software Underground’s 3000 members immediately pivoted its two planned hackathons into an awesome virtual conference that attracted hundreds of new people to its cause.

Notwithstanding that things might be at a crisis point in these organizations, in which case some emergency measures might be called for, my advice is to press pause on the merger and dig into the fundamentals. The most urgent thing is to resist the temptation to attempt to figure it all out by shutting a select committee of hand-picked leaders in a room in Tulsa because that will definitely result in more of the same. These organizations must, without delay, get into honest, daily conversation with their communities (notice I didn’t say, ‘send out a questionnaire’ — I’m using words like ‘conversation’ on purpose).

If I was a member of these organizations, here’s what I would want to ask them:


What would happen if the organization only worked on things that really matter to the community of practice? All of it, that is — not just your sponsors, or your employees, or your committees, or even your members. What if you connected your community through daily conversation? Emphasized diversity and inclusion? Stood up emphatically for minorities? Brought essential technical content to people that could not reach it or afford it before? Founds new ways for people to participate and contribute — and not just “attend”? What if you finally joined the scientific publishing revolution with an emphasis on reproducible research? Started participating in the global effort to mitigate the effects of climate change? Shone a light on CCS, geothermal, mining, and the multitude of other applications of subsurface science and engineering?

It might sound easier to fiddle with corporate documents, rebrand the website, or negotiate new trade-show deals — and maybe it is, if you’re a corporate lawyer, web developer, or events planner. But your community consists of scientists that want you to support and amplify them as they lead subsurface science and engineering into the future. That’s your purpose.

If you’re not up for that now, when will you be up for it?


Are virtual conferences... awful?

Yeah, mostly. But that doesn’t mean that we just need to get back to ‘normal’ conferences — those are broken too, remember?

Chris Jackson, now at Manchester, started a good thread the other day:

This led, in a roundabout way, to some pros and cons — some of which are just my own opinions:

Good things about LIVE conferences

  • You get to spend a week away from work.

  • When you’re there, you’re fully focused.

  • You’re somewhere cool or exotic, or in Houston.

  • You get to see old friends again.

  • (Some) early career people get to build their networks. You know which ones.

  • There is technical content.

BAD things about LIVE conferences

  • You’re away from your home for a week.

  • You have to travel to a remote location.

  • You’re trapped in a conference centre.

  • The networking events are lame.

  • Well, maybe ECRs can make connections… sorry, who’s your supervisor again?

  • There’s so much content, and some of it is boring.

Good things about VIRTUAL conferences

  • Take part — and meet people — from anywhere!

  • The cost is generally low and more accessible.

  • You’re not away from work or home.

  • They are much easier to organize.

  • Live-streaming or posting to YouTube is easy-peasy.

  • No-one needs to give millions of research dollars to airline and hotel companies.

Bad things about VIRTUAL conferences

  • You don’t actually get to meet anyone.

  • Tech socs don’t make money from free webinars.

  • So many distractions!

  • The technology is a hassle to deal with.

  • If you’re in the wrong timezone, too bad for you.

  • The content is the same as live conferences, and some of it is even worse as a digital experience. And we’re all exhausted from all-day Zoom. And…

My assertion is that most virtual conferences are poor because all most organizers have really done is transpose a poor format, which was at least half-optimized for live events, to a pseudodigital medium. And — surprise! — the experience sucks.

So what now?

What now is that it’s beyond urgent to fix damn conferences. A huge part of the problem — and the fundamental reason why most virtual conferences are so bad — is that most of the technical societies completely failed to start experimenting with new, more accessible, more open formats a decade ago. This, in spite of the fact that, to a substantial extent, the societies are staffed by professional event organizers! These professionals weren’t paying attention to digital technology, or openness and reproducibility in science, or accessibility to disadvantaged and underrepresented segments of the community. I don’t know what they were paying attention to (okay, I do know), but it wasn’t primarily the needs of the scientific community.

Okay okay, sheesh, actually what now?

Sorry. Anyway, the thing to do is to focus on the left-hand columns in those lists up there, and try to eliminate the things on the right. So here are some things to start experimenting with. When? Ideally 2012 (the year, not the time). But tomorrow will do just fine. In no particular order:

  • Focus on the outcomes — conferences are supposed to serve their community of practice. So ask the community — what do you need? What big unsolved problems can we solve to move our science forward? What social or community problems are stopping us from doing our best work? Then design events to move the needle on that.

  • Distributed events — Local chapters hire awesome, interesting, cool spaces for local face-to-face events. People who can get to these locations are encouraged to show up at them — because there are interesting humans there, the coffee is good, and the experience is awesome.

  • Virtually connected — The global event is digitally connected, so that when we want to do global things with lots of people, we can. This also means being timezone agnostic by recording or repeating important bits of the schedule.

  • Small is good — You’re experimenting, don’t go all-in on your first event. Small is less stress, lower risk, more sustainable, and probably a better experience for participants. Want more reach? There are other ways.

  • Dedicated to open, accessible participation — We need to seize the idea that events should accommodate anyone who wants to participate, wherever they are and whatever their means. Someone asking, “How do we make sure the right people are there?” is a huge warning sign.

  • Meaningful networking — Gathering people in a Hilton ballroom with cheap beer, frozen canapés, and a barbershop quartet is not networking, it’s a bad wedding party. Professionals want to forge lasting connections by collaborating with each other on deep or valuable problems. I don’t think non-technical event organizers realize that we actually love our work and technical collaboration is fun. Create the conditions for that kind of work, and the socializing will happen.

  • Diversity as a superpower — Focus on increasing every dimension of diversity at your events, and good things will follow. For example: stop talking about hackathons as ‘great for students’ — no wonder ECRs need networking opportunities if you create events that seal them off from everyone! How do you do this? Increase the diversity of your organizing task force.

  • Stop doing the following things — endless talks (settle down, some talks are fine), digital posters, panels of any kind, ‘discussion’ that involves one person talking at a time, and all the other broken models of collaboration. Not sure what to replace them with? Read about open space technology, world cafe, unconferences, unsessions, hackathons, datathons, lightning talks, birds of a feather, design charettes, idea jams. General rule, if most of the people in an event can be described as ‘audience’ and not ‘participants’, you’re doing it wrong. Conversation, not discussion.

  • Stop trying to control the whole experience — most conference organizers seem to think they have to organize every aspect of a conference. In fact, the task is to create the conditions for the community to organize itself — bring its own content, make its own priorities, solve its own problems.

I know it probably looks like I’m proposing to burn everything down, but I’m really not proposing that we shred everything and only organize wacky events from now on. Some traditional formats may, in some measure, be fit for purpose. My point is that we need to experiment with new things, as soon as possible. Experiment, pay attention, adjust, repeat. (And it takes at least three iterations to learn about something.)

If you’re interested in doing more with conferences and scientific events in general, I’ve compiled a lot of notes over the years since Agile has been experimenting with formats. Here they are — please use and share and contribute back if you wish.

I’m also always happy to brainstorm events with you, no strings attached! Just get in touch: matt@agilescientific.com

Last thing: We try to organize meetings like this in the Software Underground. Join us!

How can technical societies support openness?


There’s an SPE conference on openness happening this week. Around 60 people paid the $400 registration fee — does that seem like a lot for a virtual conference? — and it’s mostly what you’d expect: talks and panel discussions. But there’s 20 minutes per day for open discussion, and we must be grateful for small things! For sure, it is always good to see the technical societies pay attention to open data, open source code, and open access content.

But what really matters is action, and in my breakout room today I asked about SPE’s role in raising the community’s level of literacy around openness. Someone asked in turn what sorts of things the organization could do. I said my answer needed to be written down 😄 so here it is.

To save some breath, I’m going to use the word openness to talk about open access content, open source code, and open data. And when I say ‘open’, I mean that something meets the Open Definition. In a nutshell, this states:

“Open data and content can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose

Remember that ‘free’ here means many things, but not necessarily ‘free of charge’.

So that we don’t lose sight of the forest for the tree, my advice boils down to this: I would like to see all of the technical societies understand and embrace the idea that openness is an important way for them to increase their reach, improve their accessibility, become more equitable, increase engagement, and better serve their communities of practice.

No, ‘increase their revenue’ is not on that list. Yes, if they do those things, their revenue will go up. (I’ve written about the societies’ counterproductive focus on revenue before.)

Okay, enough preamble. What can the societies do to better serve their members? I can think of a few things:

  • Advocate for producers of the open content and technology that benefits everyone in the community.

  • Help member companies understand the role openness plays in innovation and help them find ways to support it.

  • Take a firm stance on expectations of reproducibility for journal articles and conference papers.

  • Provide reasonable, affordable options for authors to choose open licences for their work (and such options must not require a transfer of copyright).

  • When open access papers are published, be clear about the licence. (I could not figure out the licence on the current most read paper in SPE Journal, although it says ‘open access’.)

  • Find ways to get well-informed legal advice about openness to members (this advice is hard to find; most lawyers are not well informed about copyright law, nevermind openness).

  • Offer education on openness to members.

  • Educate editors, associate editors, and meeting convenors on openness so that they can coach authors, reviewers., and contributors.

  • Improve peer review machinery to better support the review of code and data submissions.

  • Highlight exemplary open research projects, and help project maintainers improve over time. (For example, what would it take to accelerate MRST’s move to an open language? Could SPE help create those conditions?)

  • Recognize that open data benchmarks are badly needed and help organize labour around them.

  • Stop running data science contests that depend on proprietary data.

  • Put an open licence on PetroWiki. I believe this was Apache’s intent when they funded it, hence the open licences on AAPG Wiki and SEG Wiki. (Don’t get me started on the missed opportunity of the SEG/AAPG/SPE wikis.)

  • Allow more people from more places to participate in events, with sympathetic pricing, asynchronous activities, recorded talks, etc. It is completely impossible for a great many engineers to participate in this openness workshop.

  • Organize more events around openness!

I know that SPE, like the other societies, has some way to go before they really internalize all of this. That’s normal — change takes time. But I’m afraid there is some catching up to do. The petroleum industry is well behind here, and none of this is really new — I’ve been banging on about it for a decade and I think of myself as a newcomer to the openness party. Jon Claerbout and Paul de Groot must be utterly exhausted by the whole thing!

The virtual conference this week is an encouraging step in the right direction, as are the recent SPE datathons (notwithstanding what I said about the data). Although it’s a late move — making me wonder if it’s an act of epiphany or of desperation — I’m cautiously encouraged. I hope the trend continues and picks up pace. And I’m looking forward to more debate and inspiration as the week goes on.

Transformation in 2021


Virtual confererences have become — for now — the norm. In many ways they are far better than traditional conferences: accessible to all, inexpensive to organize and attend, asynchronous, recorded, and no-one has to fly 5,000 km to deliver a PowerPoint. In other ways, they fall short, for example as a way to meet new collaborators or socialize with old ones. As face-to-face meetings become a possibility again this summer, smart organizations will figure out ways to get the best of both worlds.

The Software Underground is continuing its exploration of virtual events next month with the latest edition of the TRANSFORM festival of the digital subsurface. In broad strokes, here’s what’s on offer:

  • The Subsurface Hackathon, starting on 16 April — all are welcome, including those new to programming.

  • 20 free & awesome tutorials, covering topics from Python to R, geothermal wells to seismic, and even reservoir simulation! And of course there’s a bit of machine learning and physics-based modeling in there too. Look forward to content from scientists in North & South America, Norway, Nigeria, and New Zealand.

  • Lightning talks from 24 members of the community — would you like to do one?

  • Birds of a Feather community meet-ups, a special Xeek challenge, and other special events.

  • The Annual General Meeting of the Software Underground, where we’ll adopt our by-law and appoint the board.


We’ll even try to get at that tricky “hang out with other scientists” component, because we will have a virtual Gather.town world in which to hang out and hack, chat, or watch the livestreams.

If last year’s event is anything to go by, we can expect fantastic tutorial content, innovative hackathon projects, and great conversation between at least 750 digital geoscientists and engineers. (If you missed TRANSFORM 2020, don’t worry — all the content from last year is online and free forever, so it’s not too late to take part! Check it out.)

Registering for TRANSFORM

Registration is free, or pay-what-you-like. In other words, if you have funding or expenses for conferences and training, there’s an option to pay a small amount. But anyone can attend TRANSFORM free of charge. Thank you to the event sponsors, Studio X, for making this possible. (I will write about Studio X at a later date — they are doing some really cool things in the digital subsurface.)


To register for any part of TRANSFORM — even if you just want to come to the hackathon or a tutorial — click this button and complete the process on the Software Underground website. It’s a ‘pay what you like’ event, so there are 3 registration options with different prices — these are just different donation amounts. They don’t change anything about your registration.

I hope we see you at TRANSFORM. In the meantime, please jump into the Software Underground Slack and get involved in the conversations there. (You can also catch up on recent Software Underground highlights in the new series of blog posts.)

Looking forward to 2021

I usually write a ‘lookback’ at this time of year, but who wants to look back on 2#*0? Instead, let’s look forward to 2021 and speculate wildly about it!

More ways to help

Agile has always been small and nimble, but the price we pay is bandwidth: it’s hard to help all the people we want to help. But we’ve taught more than 1250 people Python and machine learning since 2018, and supporting this new community of programmers is our priority. Agile will be offering some new services in the new year, all aimed at helping you ‘just in time’ — what you need, when you need it — so that those little glitches don’t hold you up. The goal is to accelerate as many people as possible, but to be awesome value. Stay tuned!

We are still small, but we did add a new scientist to the team this year: Martin Bentley joined us. Martin is a recent MSc geology graduate from Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He’s also a very capable Python programmer and GIS wizard, as well as a great teacher, and he’s a familiar face around the Software Underground too.


All over the world

While we’ll be making ourselves available in new ways in 2021, we’ll continue our live classes too — but we’ll be teaching in more accessible ways and in more time zones. This year we taught 29 virtual classes for people based in Los Angeles, Calgary, Houston, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro, Glasgow, London, Den Haag, Krakow, Lagos, Brunei, Muscat, Tunis, Kuala Lumpur, and Perth. Next year I want to add Anchorage, Buenos Aires, Durban, Reykjavik, Jakarta, and Wellington. The new virtual world has really driven home to me how inaccessible our classes and events were — we will do better!

Public classes appear here when we schedule them: https://agilescientific.com/training

Maximum accessibility

The event I’m most excited about is TRANSFORM 2021 (mark your calendar: 17 to 23 April!), the annual virtual meeting of the Software Underground. The society incorporated back in April, so it’s now officially a technical society. But it’s unlike most other technical societies in our domain: it’s free, and — so far anyway — it operates exclusively online. Like this year, the conference will focus on helping our community acquire new skills and connections for the future. Want to be part of it? Get notified.



Thank you for reading our blog, following Agile, and being part of the digital subsurface community. If you’re experiencing uncertainty in your career, or in your personal life, I hope you’re able to take some time out to recharge over the next couple of weeks. We can take on 2021 together, and meet it head on — not with a plan, but with a purpose.

The hack returns to Norway

Last autumn Agile helped Peter Bormann (ConocoPhillips Norge) and the FORCE consortium host the first geo-flavoured hackathon in Norway. Maybe you were there, or maybe you read about the nine fascinating machine learning projects here on the blog. If so, you’ll know it was a great event, so we’re doing it again!

Hackthon: 18 and 19 September
Symposium: 20 September

Check out last year’s projects here. Projects included Biostrat!, Virtual Metering, sketch2seis, and AVO ML — a really interesting AVO approach exploiting latent spaces (see image, right). Most of them are on GitHub and could be extended this year.

Part of what I love about these things is that we have no idea what the projects will be. As last year, there’ll be a pre-hackathon meetup in Storhaug the evening before Day 1 (on 17 September) — we’ll figure it all out there. In the meantime, if you have an idea check out the link at the end of this post where you can share and discuss it with others.


The hackathon will be followed by a one-day symposium on machine learning in the subsurface (left). This well attended event was also excellent last year, and promises to deliver again in 2019. Peter did a briliant job of keeping things rooted in real results from real research, so you won’t be subjected to the parade of marketing talks you might have been subjected to at certain other conferences.

Find out more and sign up on NPD.no! Don’t delay; places are limited.

Submit and discuss project ideas on Agile’s Events page. Note that this does not sign you up for the event.

Get on softwareunderground.com/slack to discuss the event in the #force-hack-2019 channel.

See you there!

TRANSFORM happened!


How do you describe the indescribable?

Last week, Agile hosted the TRANSFORM unconference in Normandy, France. We were there to talk about the open suburface stack — the collection of open-source Python tools for earth scientists. We also spent time on the state of the Software Underground, a global community of practice for digital subsurface scientists and engineers. In effect, this was the first annual Software Underground conference. This was SwungCon 1.

The space

I knew the Château de Rosay was going to be nice. I hoped it was going to be very nice. But it wasn’t either of those things. It exceeded expectations by such a large margin, it seemed a little… indulgent, Excessive even. And yet it was cheaper than a Hilton, and you couldn’t imagine a more perfect place to think and talk about the future of open source geoscience, or a more productive environment in which to write code with new friends and colleagues.

It turns out that a 400-year-old château set in 8 acres of parkland in the heart of Normandy is a great place to create new things. I expect Gustave Flaubert and Guy de Maupassant thought the same when they stayed there 150 years ago. The forty-two bedrooms house exactly the right number of people for a purposeful scientific meeting.

This is frustrating, I’m not doing the place justice at all.

The work

This was most people’s first experience of an unconference. It was undeniably weird walking into a week-long meeting with no schedule of events. But, despite being inexpertly facilitated by me, the 26 participants enthusiastically collaborated to create the agenda on the first morning. With time, we appreciated the possibilities of the open space — it lets the group talk about exactly what it needs to talk about, exactly when it needs to talk about it.

The topics ranged from the governance and future of the Software Underground, to the possibility of a new open access journal, interesting new events in the Software Underground calendar, new libraries for geoscience, a new ‘core’ library for wells and seismic, and — of course — machine learning. I’ll be writing more about all of these topics in the coming weeks, and there’s already lots of chatter about them on the Software Underground Slack (which hit 1500 members yesterday!).

The food

I can’t help it. I have to talk about the food.

…but I’m not sure where to start. The full potential of food — to satisfy, to delight, to start conversations, to impress, to inspire — was realized. The food was central to the experience, but somehow not even the most wonderful thing about the experience of eating at the chateau. Meals were prefaced by a presentation by the professionals in the kitchen. No dish was repeated… indeed, no seating arrangement was repeated. The cheese was — if you are into cheese — off the charts.

There was a professionalism and thoughtfulness to the dining that can perhaps only be found in France.

Sorry everyone. This was one of those occasions when you had to be there. If you weren’t there, you missed out. I wish you’d been there. You would have loved it.

The good news is that it will happen again. Stay tuned.

The venue for TRANSFORM

Last time I told you a bit about what to expect at the TRANSFORM unconference we’re hosting in May. But I haven’t really told you about the venue yet, and it’s one of the best bits.

We’re hosting the event at the Château de Rosay, near Rouen in France. This is a large house in a small village. It is completely self-contained: we can sleep there, eat there, work there, relax there. There’s room for about 45 people or so. The place looks spectacular:

A few people have said to me that they don’t feel like they could contribute much to a conversation about open source subsurface software… but this unconference is absolutely for anyone. If you are doing science or engineering underground, and if you are interested in the technology we use to do this, you can contribute.

Some of the things we’ll be talking about:

  • Which open tools exist, and can any of them be rescued from disuse?

  • Who is developing these tools and what kind of support do they need?

  • How can we make it easier for anybody to contribute to these projects?

  • What can we do right now that will improve the open stack the most?

All the place needs is a few subsurface scientists and engineers with latops, then it’s perfect! I hope you can join us there.



A new unconference about subsurface software

What's happening at TRANSFORM?

Last week, I laid out the case for naming and focusing on an open subsurface stack. To this end, we’re hosting TRANSFORM, an unconference, in May. At TRANSFORM, we’ll be mapping out the present state of things, imagining the future, and starting to build it together. You’re invited.

This week, I want to tell you a bit more about what’s happening at the unconference.

BYOS: Bring Your Own Session

We’ll be using an unconference model. If you come to the event, I ask you to prepare a 45 to 60 minute ‘slot’. You can do whatever you like in your slot, the only requirements are that it’s somewhat aligned with the theme (rocks, computers, and openness), and that it produces something tangible. For example:

  • Start with a short presentation, maybe two, then hold a discussion. Capture the debate.

  • Hold a brainstorming session, generating ideas for new technology. Record the ideas.

  • Host a short sprint around a piece of existing software, checking code into GitHub.

  • Research the available open tools for a particular workflow or file type. Report back.

Really, anything is possible. There’s no need to propose topics ahead of time (but please feel free to discuss them in the #transform channel on the Software Underground). We’ll be gathering all the topics and organizing the schedule for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on Sunday evening and Monday morning. It’s just-in-time conferencing!

After the unconference, then the sprints

By the end of Wednesday, we should have a very good idea of what’s in the open subsurface stack, and what is missing. On Thursday and Friday, we’ll have the opportunity to build things. In small team, we can take on all sorts of things:

  • Improving the documentation of a project.

  • Writing tutorials or course material for existing tools.

  • Writing tests for an old or new project.

  • Adding functionality to an old project, or even starting a new project.

By the end of Friday, we should have a big pile of new stuff to play with, and lots of new threads to follow after the event.

Here’s a first-draft, high-level view of the schedule so far…


The open subsurface stack

Two observations:

  1. Agile has been writing about open source software for geology and geophysics for several years now (for example here in 2011 and here in 2016). Progress is slow. There are lots of useful tools, but lots of gaps too. Some new tools have appeared, others have died. Conclusion: a robust and trusted open stack is not going to magically appear.

  2. People — some of them representing large corporations — are talking more than ever about industry collaboration. Open data platofrms are appearing all over the place. And several times at the DigEx conference in Oslo last week I heard people talk about open source and open APIs. Some organizations, notably Equinor, seem to really mean business. Conclusion: there seems to be a renewed appetite for open source subsurface software.

A quick reminder of what ‘open’ means; paraphrasing The Open Definition and The Open Source Definition in a sentence:

Open data, content and code can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose.

The word ‘open’ is being punted around quite a bit recently, but you have to read the small print in our business. Just as OpenWorks is not ‘open’ by the definition above, neither is OpenSpirit (remember that?), nor the Open Earth Community. (I’m not trying to pick on Halliburton but the company does seem drawn to the word, despite clearly not quite understanding it.)

The conditions are perfect

Earlier I said that a robust and trusted ‘stack’ (a collection of software that, ideally, does all the things we need) is not going to magically appear. What do I mean by ‘robust and trusted’? It goes far beyond ‘just code’ — writing code is the easy bit. It means thoroughly tested, carefully documented, supported, and maintained. All that stuff takes work, and work takes people and time. And people and time mean money.

Two more observations:

  1. Agile has been teaching geocomputing like crazy — 377 people in the last year. In our class, the participants install a lot of Python libraries, including a few from the open subsurface stack: segyio, lasio, welly, and bruges. Conclusion: a proto-stack exists already, hundreds of users exist already, and some training and support exist already.

  2. The Software Underground has over 1200 members (you should sign up, it’s free!). That’s a lot of people that care passionately about computers and rocks. The Python and machine learning communies are especially active. Conclusion: we have a community of talented scientists and developers that want to get good science done.

So what’s missing? What’s stopping us from taking open source subsurface tech to the next level?


Nothing is stopping us. And I’ve reached the conclusion that we need to provide care and feeding to this proto-stack, and this needs to start now. This is what the TRANSFORM 2019 unconference is going to be about. About 40 of us (you’re invited!) will spend five days working on some key questions:

  • What libraries are in the Python ‘proto-stack’? What kind of licenses do they have? Who are the maintainers?

  • Do we need a core library for the stack? Something to manage some basic data structures, units of measure, etc.

  • What are we calling it, who cares about it, and how are we going to work together?

  • Who has the capacity to provide attention, developer time, existing code, or funds to the stack?

  • Where are the gaps in the stack, and which ones need to be filled first?

We won’t finish all this at the unconference. But we’ll get started. We’ll produce a lot of ideas, plans, roadmaps, GitHub issues, and new code. If that sounds like fun to you, and you can contribute something to this work — please come. We need you there! Get more info and sign up here.

Read the follow-up post >>> What’s happening at TRANSFORM?

Thumbnail photo of the Old Man of Hoy by Tom Bastin, CC-BY on Flickr.