The Agile* interpreter's canon

There are only two types of interpretation: those that have been revised and those that need to be.
Don Herron

As Matt mentioned before, we have been forming a concept we call agile interpretation.

Perhaps the essence of the adage "seismic interpretation is an art" suggests that there shouldn't really be a hard and fast set of rules; but having no rules begets chaos and stagnation. We think seismic interpretation is a craft. As with any craft, harnessing skill and creativity enable richer and more meaningful results. Working within a framework of principles allows one's art to flourish; paint not only with brighter, more appealing colors, but with more tailored technique for putting brush to canvas.

We have created this one-page guide as reference for seismic interpreters. Pull it out before starting, a few times in the middle, and then as a checklist or summary nearing completion of your project. We hope it's valuable for the newbie, for sorting out a plan of attack, and for seasoned veterans, to refresh work-worn concepts and tools.

We're looking to get consensus here on the things people actually do when they interpret seismic; this is very much a straw man. Maybe you have adopted some tricks that aren't obivous to the rest of us. Please leave a message in the comments section of this entry if you have any tips that would improve this handout.

Happy interpreting!