Superpowers for striplogs
In between recent courses and hackathons, I’ve been chipping away at some new features in striplog
. An open-source Python package, striplog
handles irregularly sampled data, like lithologic intervals, chronostratigraphic zones, or anything that isn’t regularly sampled like, say, a well log. Instead of defining what is present at every depth location, you define intervals with a top and a base. The interval can contain whatever you like: names of rocks, images, or special core analyses, or anything at all.
You can read about all of the newer features in the changelog, but let’s look at a couple of the more interesting ones…
Binary morphology filters
Sometimes we’d like to simplify a striplog a bit, for example by ‘weeding out’ the thin beds. The tool has long had a method prune
to systematically remove all intervals (e.g. beds) thinner than some cutoff; one can then optionally anneal
the gaps, and merge
the resulting striplog to combine similar neighbours. The result of this sequence of operations (prune, anneal, merge, or ‘PAM’) is shown below on the left.
If the intervals of a striplog have at least one property of a binary nature — with only two states, like sand and shale, or pay and non-pay — one can also use binary morphological operations. This well-known image processing technique aims to simplify data by eliminating small things. The result of opening vs closing operations is shown above.
Markov chains
I wrote about Markov chains earlier this year; they offer a way to identify bias in the order of units in a stratigraphic column. I’ve now put all the code into striplog
— albeit not in a very fancy way. You can import the Markov_chain
class from striplog.markov
, then use it in exactly the same way as in the notebook I shared in that Markov chain post:
I started with some pseudorandom data (top) representing a known succession of Mudstone (M), Siltstone (S), Fine Sandstone (F) and coarse sandstone (C). Then I generate a Markov chain model of the succession. The chi-squared test indicates that the succession is highly unlikely to be unordered. We can look at the normalized difference matrix, generate a synthetic sequence of lithologies, or plot the difference matrix as a heatmap or a directed graph. The graph illustrates the order we originally imposed: M-S-F-C.
There is one additional feature compared to the original implementation: multi-step Markov chains. Previously, I was only looking at immediately adjacent intervals (beds or whatever). Now you can look at actual vs expected transition frequencies for next-but-one interval, or next-but-two. Don’t ask me how to interpret that information though…
Other new things
New ways to anneal. Now the user can choose whether the gaps in the log are filled in by flooding upwards (that is, by extending the interval below the gap upwards), flooding downwards (extending the upper interval), or flooding symmetrically into the middle from both above and below, meeting in the middle. (Note, you can also fill gaps with another component, using the
method.)New merging strategies. Now you can merge overlapping intervals by precedence, rather than by blending the contents of the intervals. Precedence is defined however you like; for example, you can choose to keep the thickest interval in all overlaps, or if intervals have a date, you could keep the latest interval.
Improved bar charts. The histogram is easier to use, and there is a new bar chart summary of intervals. The bars can be sorted by any property you like.
Try it out and help add new stuff
You can install the latest version of striplog
using pip
. It’s as easy as:
pip install striplog
Start by checking out the tutorial notebooks in the repo, especially Striplog_basics.ipynb
. Let me know how you get on, or jump on the Software Underground Slack to ask for help.
Here are some things I’d like striplog
to support in the future:
Stratigraphic prediction.
Well-to-well correlation.
More interactions with well logs.
What ideas do you have? Or maybe you can help define how these things should work? Either way, do get in touch or check out the Striplog repository on GitHub.