A machine learning safety net

A while back, I wrote about machine learning safety measures. I was thinking about how easy it is to accidentally make terrible models (e.g. training a support vector machine on unscaled data), or misuse good models (e.g. forgetting to scale data before making a prediction). I suggested that one solution might be to make tools that help spot these kinds of mistakes:

[We should build] software to support good practice. Many of the problems I’m talking about are quite easy to catch, or at least warn about, during the training and evaluation process. Unscaled features, class imbalance, correlated features, non-IID records, and so on. Education is essential, but software can help us notice and act on them.

Introducing redflag

I’m pleased, and a bit nervous, to introduce redflag, a new Python library to help find the sorts of issues I’m describing. The vision for this tool is as a kind of safety net, or ‘entrance exam for data’ (a phrase Evan coined several years ago). It should be able to look at an array (or Pandas DataFrame), and flag potential issues, perhaps generating a report. And it should be able to sit in your Scikit-Learn pipeline, watching for issues.

The current version, 0.1.9 is still rather rough and experimental. The code is far from optimal, with quite a bit of repetition. But it does a few useful things. For example, suppose we have a DataFrame with a column, Lithology, which contains strings denoting 9 rock types (‘sandstone’, ‘limestone’, etc). We’d like to know if the classes are ‘balanced’ — present in roughly similar numbers — or not. If they are not, we will have to be careful with how we split this dataset up for our model evaluation workflow.

>>> import redflag as rf
>>> rf.imbalance_degree(df['Lithology'])
>>> rf.imbalance_ratio([df['Lithology'])

The imbalance degree, defined by Ortigosa-Hernandez et al. (2017), tells us that there are 4 minority classes (the next integer above this number), and that the imbalance severity is somewhere in the middle (3.1 would be well balanced, 3.9 would be strongly imbalanced). The simpler imbalance ratio tells us that there’s about 8 times as much of the biggest majority class as of the smallest minority class. Conclusion: depending on the size of this dataset, the class imbalance is probably not a show-stopper, but we need to pay attention.

Our dataset contains well log data. Unless they are very far apart, well log samples are usually not independent — they are correlated in depth — and this means we can’t split the data randomly in our evaluation workflow. Redflag has a function to help detect features that are correlated to themselves in this way:

>>> rf.is_correlated(df['GR'])

We need to be careful!

Another function, rf.wasserstein() computes the Wasserstein distance, aka the earth mover’s distance, between distributions. This can help us figure out if our data splits all have similar distributions or not — an important condition of our evaluation workflow. I’ll feed it 3 splits in which I have forgotten to scale the first feature (i.e. the first column) in the X_test dataset:

>>> rf.wasserstein([X_train, X_val, X_test])
array([[32.108,  0.025,  0.043,  0.034],
       [16.011,  0.025,  0.039,  0.057],
       [64.127,  0.049,  0.056,  0.04 ]])

The large distances in the first column are the clue that the distribution of the data in this column varies a great deal between the three datasets. Plotting the distributions make it clear what happened.

Working with sklearn

Since we’re often already working with scikit-learn pipelines, and because I don’t really want to have to remember all these extra steps and functions, I thought it would be useful to make a special redflag pipeline that runs “all the things”. It’s called rf.pipeline and it might be all you need. Here’s how to use it:

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC

pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), rf.pipeline, SVC())

Here’s what this object contains:

Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
                 Pipeline(steps=[('rf.imbalance', ImbalanceDetector()),
                                 ('rf.clip', ClipDetector()),
                                 ('rf.correlation', CorrelationDetector()),
                                 ('rf.outlier', OutlierDetector()),
                ('svc', SVC())])

Those redflag items in the inner pipeline are just detectors — think of them like smoke alarms — they do not change any data. Some of them acquire statistics during model fitting, then apply them during prediction. For example, the DistributionComparator learns the feature distributions from the training data, then compares the prediction data to them, to help ensure that you aren’t trying to extrapolate with your model. For example, it will warn you if you train a model on low-GR sandstones then try to predict on high-GR shales.

Here’s what happens when I fit my data with this pipeline:

These are just warnings, and it’s up to me to act on them. I can adjust detection thresholds and other aspects of the algorithms under the hood, but the goal is for redflag to wave its little flag, but not to get in the way. Apart from the warnings, this pipeline works exactly as it did before.

If this project sounds interesting or useful to you, please give it a look. The documentation is here, and contains more examples like those above. If you find bugs or want to request enhancements, there’s the GitHub Issues page. And if you use it for anything you can share, I’d love to hear how you get along!

An open source wish list

After reviewing a few code-dependent scientific papers recently, I’ve been thinking about reproducibility. Is there a minimum requirement for scientific code, or should we just be grateful for any code at all?

The sky’s the limit

Click to enlarge

I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a few things that are essential if you want anyone to be able to do more than simply read your code. (If that’s all you want, just add a code listing to your supplementary material.)

The number one thing is an open licence. (I recently wrote about how to choose one). Assuming the licence is consistent with everything you have used (e.g. you haven’t used a library with the GPL, then put an Apache licence on it), then you are protected by the indeminity clauses and other people can re-use your code on your terms.

After that, good practice is to improve the quality of your code. Most of us write horrible code a lot of the time. But after bit of review, some refactoring, some input from colleagues, you will have something that is less buggy, more readable, and more reusable (even by you!).

If this was a one-off piece of code, providing figures for a paper for instance, you can stop here. But if you are going to keep developing this thing, and especially if you want others to use it to, you should keep going.

Best practice is to start using continuous integration, to help ensure that the code stays in good shape as you continue to develop it. And after that, you can make your tool more citable, maybe write a paper about it, and start developing a user/contributor community. The sky’s the limit — and now you have help!

Other models

When I shared this on Twitter, Simon Waldman mentioned that he had recently co-authored a paper on this topic. Harrison et al (2021) proposed that there are three priorities for scientific software: to be correct, to be reusable, and to be documented. From there, they developed a hierachy of research software projects:

  • Level 0 — Barely repeatable: the code is clear and tested in a basic way.

  • Level 1 — Publication: code is tested, readable, available and ideally openly licensed.

  • Level 2 — Tool: code is installable and managed by continuous integration.

  • Level 3 — Infrastructure: code is reviewed, semantically versioned, archived, and sustainable.

There are probably still other models out there.— if you know if a good one, please drop it in the Comments.


Sam Harrison, Abhishek Dasgupta, Simon Waldman, Alex Henderson & Christopher Lovell (2021, May 14). How reproducible should research software be? Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4761867

How can technical societies support openness?


There’s an SPE conference on openness happening this week. Around 60 people paid the $400 registration fee — does that seem like a lot for a virtual conference? — and it’s mostly what you’d expect: talks and panel discussions. But there’s 20 minutes per day for open discussion, and we must be grateful for small things! For sure, it is always good to see the technical societies pay attention to open data, open source code, and open access content.

But what really matters is action, and in my breakout room today I asked about SPE’s role in raising the community’s level of literacy around openness. Someone asked in turn what sorts of things the organization could do. I said my answer needed to be written down 😄 so here it is.

To save some breath, I’m going to use the word openness to talk about open access content, open source code, and open data. And when I say ‘open’, I mean that something meets the Open Definition. In a nutshell, this states:

“Open data and content can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose

Remember that ‘free’ here means many things, but not necessarily ‘free of charge’.

So that we don’t lose sight of the forest for the tree, my advice boils down to this: I would like to see all of the technical societies understand and embrace the idea that openness is an important way for them to increase their reach, improve their accessibility, become more equitable, increase engagement, and better serve their communities of practice.

No, ‘increase their revenue’ is not on that list. Yes, if they do those things, their revenue will go up. (I’ve written about the societies’ counterproductive focus on revenue before.)

Okay, enough preamble. What can the societies do to better serve their members? I can think of a few things:

  • Advocate for producers of the open content and technology that benefits everyone in the community.

  • Help member companies understand the role openness plays in innovation and help them find ways to support it.

  • Take a firm stance on expectations of reproducibility for journal articles and conference papers.

  • Provide reasonable, affordable options for authors to choose open licences for their work (and such options must not require a transfer of copyright).

  • When open access papers are published, be clear about the licence. (I could not figure out the licence on the current most read paper in SPE Journal, although it says ‘open access’.)

  • Find ways to get well-informed legal advice about openness to members (this advice is hard to find; most lawyers are not well informed about copyright law, nevermind openness).

  • Offer education on openness to members.

  • Educate editors, associate editors, and meeting convenors on openness so that they can coach authors, reviewers., and contributors.

  • Improve peer review machinery to better support the review of code and data submissions.

  • Highlight exemplary open research projects, and help project maintainers improve over time. (For example, what would it take to accelerate MRST’s move to an open language? Could SPE help create those conditions?)

  • Recognize that open data benchmarks are badly needed and help organize labour around them.

  • Stop running data science contests that depend on proprietary data.

  • Put an open licence on PetroWiki. I believe this was Apache’s intent when they funded it, hence the open licences on AAPG Wiki and SEG Wiki. (Don’t get me started on the missed opportunity of the SEG/AAPG/SPE wikis.)

  • Allow more people from more places to participate in events, with sympathetic pricing, asynchronous activities, recorded talks, etc. It is completely impossible for a great many engineers to participate in this openness workshop.

  • Organize more events around openness!

I know that SPE, like the other societies, has some way to go before they really internalize all of this. That’s normal — change takes time. But I’m afraid there is some catching up to do. The petroleum industry is well behind here, and none of this is really new — I’ve been banging on about it for a decade and I think of myself as a newcomer to the openness party. Jon Claerbout and Paul de Groot must be utterly exhausted by the whole thing!

The virtual conference this week is an encouraging step in the right direction, as are the recent SPE datathons (notwithstanding what I said about the data). Although it’s a late move — making me wonder if it’s an act of epiphany or of desperation — I’m cautiously encouraged. I hope the trend continues and picks up pace. And I’m looking forward to more debate and inspiration as the week goes on.

Which open licence should I choose?

I’ve written about open data a few times recently. And not-so-recently. And there’s been quite a bit of chat about open subsurface benchmarks in the Software Underground recently. As more people consider openly releasing data — or code, or other content — one question comes up fairly often is: Which licence should I choose?

I’ll start at the beginning, and I am not a lawyer, but this is going to be very high level. So do click on the links to read more.

What is copyright?

You automatically own the copyright to anything original that you create. You don’t have to register it, but the thing you made — and it must be a thing, you can’t copyright ideas — must be original. It could be a photo, a song, or a seismic interpretation. Physical measurements with no creative input, such as well logs, are not copyrightable… but a database consisting of such data is (so-called database rights). Your rights are exclusive, worldwide, and last until some years after you die (it varies).

If someone wants to use your work, even if they just found it on the Internet, they must either claim Fair Use, or seek permission from you. Giving permission means granting a licence; it can be as restrictive and arcane as you want.

If you don’t want people bothering you about licences, or if you want to actively encourage people to use and adapt your work, you can preemptively grant an open licence.

What is openness?

Before you start thinking about licences, there are two more big things to learn about:

  1. What is open? Not all licences, not even all Creative Commons licences, meet the Open Definition. In brief, this states that “Open data and content can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose” — you can’t restrict people based on their use case or location. So licences that forbid commercial application are not open.

  2. What is permissiveness? Once you’ve decided to go open, you need to decide where you stand on permissiveness. Some licences, notably those advocated by the GNU Free Software Movement, compel licensees (users) to preserve the openness of the work in any future redistribution. This ‘viral’ condition is sometimes called copyleft.

In some circles, a near-religious war smoulders on the permissiveness issue. You need to make up your own mind where you stand, or at least understand the issues.

By the way, granting a licence does not mean giving up your rights. In fact, you must own the copyright in order to grant the licence. Many scientists don’t realize we’ve been giving away the copyright in our work for decades, as a (completely unnecessary and made up) condition of publication.

Another source of confusion: open licences are also not the same thing as public domain. Public domain means that the work is free from copyright restrictions. In general though, it cannot be applied to a copyrighted work (though CC0 tries to relinquish copyright where possible). For example, On The Origin of Species is public domain, as is most work produced by the United States government (for example, by the USGS).

One last thing: an often overlooked aspect of licensing is protection for you, the licensor. All common licences include language that indemnifies you from misuse or misinterpretation of your work. So be careful about putting your stuff ‘out there’ with anything other than a standard licence: you may be leaving yourself open to liability issues later.

Open licences

Rather than writing a lot of stuff that’s been written by smarter people than me, I thought I’d draw a diagram to try to explain the differences between some common licences (there are certainly a lot more than the ones I mention here).

Just to re-iterate: there are a lot more licences than the ones mentioned here, these are just examples.

What do I recommend?

For content, my personal belief is that CC-BY most aptly captures the way science works. Scientists 'build on the shoulders of giants' by re-using the work of others with fastidious attribution, usually by citation. Accordingly, the CC-BY protects the licensor, ensures attribution, and that's it. If you prefer copyleft licences, the equivalent licence is CC-BY-SA.

But Creative Commons recommend against using CC licences for source code, so what should you do then?

For code, the permissive licence closest to CC-BY is the MIT/BSD/Apache family of licences, of which only the Apache 2.0 licence offers some specific protections with respect to patents (in particular, it protects licensees from ‘upstream’ patent infringements). The equivalent copyleft licences are the GPL (for applications) and LGPL (for libraries).

For data, I tend to use CC-BY, but there are some specialist data licences (beware, they are poorly named in my opinion: the seemingly ‘vanilla’ ODbL is copyleft; the permissive equivalent is ODC-By).

What about mixed content, like a Jupyter Notebook? You have to be practical; maybe it depends on whether you consider your notebooks to be 'content' or 'source code'. I sometimes put at the bottom of a notebook something like Open source content. Text is CC-BY, code is Apache 2.0 and I think this makes my intent clear.


There are some tools around to help you make a choice of licence:

Last thing

Note that open licences are just one piece of the jigsaw puzzle of reproducible science and reusable content. You also need to think about open and accessible data formats (e.g. CSV not XLS), accessible content (DOIs and open indexes), and documentation.

Although insufficient, open licences are a necessary component though. And while licences can be changed, they cannot be revoked… so it’s worth putting some thought into your choices before you start pushing your content out into the world.

If it seems hard to navigate, do get in touch, we’d be happy to help if and where we can (notwithstadning IANAL). If your situation is at all complicated I recommend seeking professional legal advice — but do go out of your way to find one who understands both the motivation for, and the legal issues around, open licensing.

TRANSFORM happened!


How do you describe the indescribable?

Last week, Agile hosted the TRANSFORM unconference in Normandy, France. We were there to talk about the open suburface stack — the collection of open-source Python tools for earth scientists. We also spent time on the state of the Software Underground, a global community of practice for digital subsurface scientists and engineers. In effect, this was the first annual Software Underground conference. This was SwungCon 1.

The space

I knew the Château de Rosay was going to be nice. I hoped it was going to be very nice. But it wasn’t either of those things. It exceeded expectations by such a large margin, it seemed a little… indulgent, Excessive even. And yet it was cheaper than a Hilton, and you couldn’t imagine a more perfect place to think and talk about the future of open source geoscience, or a more productive environment in which to write code with new friends and colleagues.

It turns out that a 400-year-old château set in 8 acres of parkland in the heart of Normandy is a great place to create new things. I expect Gustave Flaubert and Guy de Maupassant thought the same when they stayed there 150 years ago. The forty-two bedrooms house exactly the right number of people for a purposeful scientific meeting.

This is frustrating, I’m not doing the place justice at all.

The work

This was most people’s first experience of an unconference. It was undeniably weird walking into a week-long meeting with no schedule of events. But, despite being inexpertly facilitated by me, the 26 participants enthusiastically collaborated to create the agenda on the first morning. With time, we appreciated the possibilities of the open space — it lets the group talk about exactly what it needs to talk about, exactly when it needs to talk about it.

The topics ranged from the governance and future of the Software Underground, to the possibility of a new open access journal, interesting new events in the Software Underground calendar, new libraries for geoscience, a new ‘core’ library for wells and seismic, and — of course — machine learning. I’ll be writing more about all of these topics in the coming weeks, and there’s already lots of chatter about them on the Software Underground Slack (which hit 1500 members yesterday!).

The food

I can’t help it. I have to talk about the food.

…but I’m not sure where to start. The full potential of food — to satisfy, to delight, to start conversations, to impress, to inspire — was realized. The food was central to the experience, but somehow not even the most wonderful thing about the experience of eating at the chateau. Meals were prefaced by a presentation by the professionals in the kitchen. No dish was repeated… indeed, no seating arrangement was repeated. The cheese was — if you are into cheese — off the charts.

There was a professionalism and thoughtfulness to the dining that can perhaps only be found in France.

Sorry everyone. This was one of those occasions when you had to be there. If you weren’t there, you missed out. I wish you’d been there. You would have loved it.

The good news is that it will happen again. Stay tuned.

What's happening at TRANSFORM?

Last week, I laid out the case for naming and focusing on an open subsurface stack. To this end, we’re hosting TRANSFORM, an unconference, in May. At TRANSFORM, we’ll be mapping out the present state of things, imagining the future, and starting to build it together. You’re invited.

This week, I want to tell you a bit more about what’s happening at the unconference.

BYOS: Bring Your Own Session

We’ll be using an unconference model. If you come to the event, I ask you to prepare a 45 to 60 minute ‘slot’. You can do whatever you like in your slot, the only requirements are that it’s somewhat aligned with the theme (rocks, computers, and openness), and that it produces something tangible. For example:

  • Start with a short presentation, maybe two, then hold a discussion. Capture the debate.

  • Hold a brainstorming session, generating ideas for new technology. Record the ideas.

  • Host a short sprint around a piece of existing software, checking code into GitHub.

  • Research the available open tools for a particular workflow or file type. Report back.

Really, anything is possible. There’s no need to propose topics ahead of time (but please feel free to discuss them in the #transform channel on the Software Underground). We’ll be gathering all the topics and organizing the schedule for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on Sunday evening and Monday morning. It’s just-in-time conferencing!

After the unconference, then the sprints

By the end of Wednesday, we should have a very good idea of what’s in the open subsurface stack, and what is missing. On Thursday and Friday, we’ll have the opportunity to build things. In small team, we can take on all sorts of things:

  • Improving the documentation of a project.

  • Writing tutorials or course material for existing tools.

  • Writing tests for an old or new project.

  • Adding functionality to an old project, or even starting a new project.

By the end of Friday, we should have a big pile of new stuff to play with, and lots of new threads to follow after the event.

Here’s a first-draft, high-level view of the schedule so far…


The open subsurface stack

Two observations:

  1. Agile has been writing about open source software for geology and geophysics for several years now (for example here in 2011 and here in 2016). Progress is slow. There are lots of useful tools, but lots of gaps too. Some new tools have appeared, others have died. Conclusion: a robust and trusted open stack is not going to magically appear.

  2. People — some of them representing large corporations — are talking more than ever about industry collaboration. Open data platofrms are appearing all over the place. And several times at the DigEx conference in Oslo last week I heard people talk about open source and open APIs. Some organizations, notably Equinor, seem to really mean business. Conclusion: there seems to be a renewed appetite for open source subsurface software.

A quick reminder of what ‘open’ means; paraphrasing The Open Definition and The Open Source Definition in a sentence:

Open data, content and code can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose.

The word ‘open’ is being punted around quite a bit recently, but you have to read the small print in our business. Just as OpenWorks is not ‘open’ by the definition above, neither is OpenSpirit (remember that?), nor the Open Earth Community. (I’m not trying to pick on Halliburton but the company does seem drawn to the word, despite clearly not quite understanding it.)

The conditions are perfect

Earlier I said that a robust and trusted ‘stack’ (a collection of software that, ideally, does all the things we need) is not going to magically appear. What do I mean by ‘robust and trusted’? It goes far beyond ‘just code’ — writing code is the easy bit. It means thoroughly tested, carefully documented, supported, and maintained. All that stuff takes work, and work takes people and time. And people and time mean money.

Two more observations:

  1. Agile has been teaching geocomputing like crazy — 377 people in the last year. In our class, the participants install a lot of Python libraries, including a few from the open subsurface stack: segyio, lasio, welly, and bruges. Conclusion: a proto-stack exists already, hundreds of users exist already, and some training and support exist already.

  2. The Software Underground has over 1200 members (you should sign up, it’s free!). That’s a lot of people that care passionately about computers and rocks. The Python and machine learning communies are especially active. Conclusion: we have a community of talented scientists and developers that want to get good science done.

So what’s missing? What’s stopping us from taking open source subsurface tech to the next level?


Nothing is stopping us. And I’ve reached the conclusion that we need to provide care and feeding to this proto-stack, and this needs to start now. This is what the TRANSFORM 2019 unconference is going to be about. About 40 of us (you’re invited!) will spend five days working on some key questions:

  • What libraries are in the Python ‘proto-stack’? What kind of licenses do they have? Who are the maintainers?

  • Do we need a core library for the stack? Something to manage some basic data structures, units of measure, etc.

  • What are we calling it, who cares about it, and how are we going to work together?

  • Who has the capacity to provide attention, developer time, existing code, or funds to the stack?

  • Where are the gaps in the stack, and which ones need to be filled first?

We won’t finish all this at the unconference. But we’ll get started. We’ll produce a lot of ideas, plans, roadmaps, GitHub issues, and new code. If that sounds like fun to you, and you can contribute something to this work — please come. We need you there! Get more info and sign up here.

Read the follow-up post >>> What’s happening at TRANSFORM?

Thumbnail photo of the Old Man of Hoy by Tom Bastin, CC-BY on Flickr.



Yesterday I announced that we’re hatching a new plan. The next thing. Today I want to tell you about it.

The project has the codename TRANSFORM. I like the notion of transforms: functions that move you from one domain to another. Fourier transforms. Wavelet transforms. Digital subsurface transforms. Examples:

  • The transformative effect of open source software on subsurface science. Open source accelerates our work!

  • The transformative effect of collaborative, participatory events on the community. We can make new things!

  • The transformative effect of training on ourselves and our peers. Lots of us have new superpowers!

Together, we’ve built the foundation for a new, open software platform.

A domain shift

We think it’s time to refocus the hackathons as sprints — purposefully producing a sustainable, long-lasting, high quality, open source software stack that we can all use and combine into new tools, whether open or proprietary, free or commercial.

We think it’s time to bring a full-featured unconference into the mix. The half-day ‘unsessions’ open too many paths, and leave too few explored. We need more time — to share research, plan software projects, and write code.

Together, we can launch a new era in scientific computing for the subsurface.

At the core of this new era core is a new open-source software stack, created, maintained, and implemented by a community of scientists and organizations passionate about its potential.

Sign up!

Here’s the plan. We’re hosting an unconference from 5 to 11 May 2019, with full days from Monday to Friday. The event will take place at the Château de Rosay, near Rouen, France. It will be fully residential and fully catered. We have room for about 45 participants.

The goal is to lay down a road map for designing, funding, and building an open source software stack for subsurface. In the coming days and weeks, we will formulate the plan for the week, with input from the Software Underground. We want to hear from you. Propose a session! Host a sprint! Offer a bounty! There are lots of ways to get involved.

Map data: GeoBasis-DE / BKG / Google, photo: Chateauform. Click to enlarge.

If you want to be part of this effort, as a developer, an end-user, or a sponsor, then we invite you to join us.

The unconference fee will be EUR 1000, and accommodation and food will be EUR 1500. The student fees will be EUR 240 and EUR 360. There will be at least 5 bursaries of EUR 1000 available.

For the time being, we will be accepting early commitments, with a deposit of EUR 400 to secure a place (students wishing to register now should get in touch). Soon, you will be able to sign up online… we are working on a smooth process. In the meantime, click here to register your interest, share ideas for content, or sign up by paying a deposit.

Thanks for reading. We look forward to figuring this out together.

I’m delighted to be able to announce that we already have support from Dell EMC. Thanks as ever to David Holmes for his willingness to fund experiments!

In the US or Canada? Don’t despair! There will be a North American edition in Quebec in late September.

The next thing

Over the last several years, Agile has been testing some of the new ways of collaborating, centered on digital connections:

  • It all started with this blog, which started in 2010 with my move from Calgary to Nova Scotia. It’s become a central part of my professional life, but we’re all about collaboration and blogs are almost entirely one-way, so…

  • In 2011 we launched SubSurfWiki. It didn’t really catch on, although it was a good basis for some other experiments and I still use it sometimes. Still, we realized we had to do more to connect the community, so…

  • In 2012 we launched our 52 Things collaborative, open access book series. There are well over 5000 of these out in the wild now, but it made us crave a real-life, face-to-face collaboration, so…

  • In 2013 we held the first ‘unsession’, a mini-unconference, at the Canada GeoConvention. Over 50 people came to chat about unsolved problems. We realized we needed a way to actually work on problems, so…

  • Later that year, we followed up with the first geoscience hackathon. Around 15 or so of us gathered in Houston for a weekend of coding and tacos. We realized that the community needed more coding skills, so…

  • In 2014 we started teaching a one-day Python course aimed squarely at geoscientists. We only teach with subsurface data and algorithms, and the course is now 5 days long. We now needed a way to connect all these new hackers and coders, so…

  • In 2014, together with Duncan Child, we also launched Software Underground, a chat room for discussing topics related to the earth and computers. Initially it was a Google Group but in 2015 we relaunched it as an open Slack team. We wanted to double down on scientific computing, so…

  • In 2015 and 2016 we launched a new web app, Pick This (returning soon!), and grew our bruges and welly open source Python projects. We also started building more machine learning projects, and getting really good at it.

Growing and honing

We have spent the recent years growing and honing these projects. The blog gets about 10,000 readers a month. The sixth 52 Things book is on its way. We held two public unsessions this year. The hackathons have now grown to 60 or so hackers, and have had about 400 participants in total, and five of them this year already (plus three to come!). We have also taught Python to 400 geoscientists, including 250 this year alone. And the Software Underground has over 1000 members.

In short, geoscience has gone digital, and we at Agile are grateful and excited to be part of it. At no point in my career have I been more optimistic and energized than I am right now.

So it’s time for the next thing.

The next thing is starting with a new kind of event. The first one is 5 to 11 May 2019, and it’s happening in France. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Café con leche

At the weekend, 28 digital geoscientists gathered at MAZ Café in Santa Ana, California, to sprint on some open geophysics software projects. Teams and individuals pushed pull requests — code contributions to open source projects — left, right, and centre. Meanwhile, Senah and her team at MAZ kept us plied with coffee and horchata, with fantastic food on the side.

Because people were helping each other and contributing where they could, I found it a bit hard to stay on top of what everyone was working on. But here are some of the things I heard at the project breakdown on Sunday afternoon:

Gerard Gorman, Navjot Kukreja, Fabio Luporini, Mathias Louboutin, and Philipp Witte, all from the devito project, continued their work to bring Kubernetes cluster management to devito. Trying to balance ease of use and unlimited compute turns out to be A Hard Problem! They also supported the other teams hacking on devito.

Thibaut Astic (UBC) worked on implementing DC resistivity models in devito. He said he enjoyed the expressiveness of devito’s symbolic equation definitions, but that there were some challenges with implementing the grad, div, and curl operator matrices for EM.

Vitor Mickus and Lucas Cavalcante (Campinas) continued their work implementing a CUDA framework for devito. Again, all part of the devito project trying to give scientists easy ways to scale to production-scale datasets.

That wasn’t all for devito. Alongside all these projects, Stephen Alwon worked on adapting segyio to read shot records, Robert Walker worked on poro-elastic models for devito, and Mohammed Yadecuri and Justin Clark (California Resources) contributed too. On the second day, the devito team was joined by Felix Hermann (now Georgia Tech), with Mengmeng Yang, and Ali Siakoohi (both UBC). Clearly there’s something to this technology!

Brendon Hall and Ben Lasscock (Enthought) hacked on an open data portal concept, based on the UCI Machine Learning Repository, coincidentally based just down the road from our location. The team successfully got some examples of open data and code snippets working.

Jesper Dramsch (Heriot-Watt), Matteo Niccoli (MyCarta), Yuriy Ivanov (NTNU) and Adriana Gordon and Volodymyr Vragov (U Calgary), hacked on bruges for the weekend, mostly on its documentation and the example notebooks in the in-bruges project. Yuriy got started on a ray-tracing code for us.

Nathan Jones (California Resources) and Vegard Hagen (NTNU) did some great hacking on an interactive plotting framework for geoscience data, based on Altair. What they did looked really polished and will definitely come in useful at future hackathons.

All in all, an amazing array of projects!

This event was low-key compared to recent hackathons, and I enjoyed the slightly more relaxed atmosphere. The venue was also incredibly supportive, making my life very easy.

A big thank you as always to our sponsors, Dell EMC and Enthought. The presence of the irrepressible David Holmes and Chris Lenzsch (both Dell EMC), and Enthought’s new VP of Energy, Charlie Cosad, was greatly appreciated.


We will definitely be revisiting the sprint concept in the future einmal ist keinmal, as they say. Devito and bruges both got a boost from the weekend, and I think all the developers did too. So stay tuned for the next edition!